How to Remove Debug Tag in Flutter


Flutter is a powerful framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications. When running a Flutter app in debug mode, you might notice a DEBUG banner in the top right corner of your app. While this is useful for debugging, you may want to remove it for a cleaner UI. In this article, we will explore different ways to remove the debug tag in Flutter, step-by-step with code examples. Additionally, we will discuss how Digital Transformation Services can benefit businesses in optimizing app development workflows.

Why Does the Debug Tag Appear in Flutter?

When running a Flutter app in debug mode, the framework displays a debug banner to indicate that the app is not in production mode. This helps developers differentiate between debug and release builds.

However, in certain cases—such as demonstrations, presentations, or UI testing—you may want to remove this banner.

Methods to Remove the Debug Tag in Flutter

There are multiple ways to remove the debug banner in Flutter. Let’s explore them in detail:

1. Using debugShowCheckedModeBanner Property

Flutter provides an easy way to remove the debug banner by setting the debugShowCheckedModeBanner property to false in the MaterialApp widget.

Step 1: Open the main.dart file

Locate your main.dart file, which contains the MaterialApp widget.

Step 2: Modify the MaterialApp Code

Set debugShowCheckedModeBanner to false in your MaterialApp widget.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, // Remove debug tag
      title: 'Flutter App',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Remove Debug Tag in Flutter')),
        body: Center(child: Text('Hello, Flutter!')),

2. Running the App in Release Mode

The debug tag only appears in debug mode. Running the app in release mode will automatically remove it.

Step 1: Open Terminal or Command Prompt

Step 2: Run the Following Command

flutter run --release

This command compiles your app in release mode and removes the debug tag.

3. Using a Custom Debug Flag

For cases where you may want to toggle the debug banner dynamically, you can use a boolean variable.

Step 1: Define a Boolean Variable

bool showDebugBanner = false;

Step 2: Use it in MaterialApp

  debugShowCheckedModeBanner: showDebugBanner,
  home: MyHomePage(),

You can toggle showDebugBanner to true or false as needed.

4. Using Flutter Inspector (Visual Studio Code)

If you’re using VS Code, you can disable the debug banner via Flutter Inspector.

Step 1: Open the Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P)

Step 2: Search for “Flutter: Toggle Debug Banner”

Step 3: Click the Option to Disable the Debug Banner

This method is useful for temporary debugging purposes.

Digital Transformation Services in Mobile App Development

1. Enhancing UI/UX in Flutter Apps

Digital transformation involves adopting modern technologies to optimize business operations. Removing unnecessary elements like the debug banner contributes to a cleaner and more professional UI.

2. Improving Performance with Release Builds

By switching to release mode, businesses can ensure their Flutter apps run efficiently. Digital transformation services help enterprises optimize mobile app performance through automation and best coding practices.

3. Secure and Scalable App Deployment

With digital transformation, companies can deploy secure, scalable Flutter apps in production environments. Cloud integration, automated CI/CD pipelines, and app monitoring are key aspects.


Removing the debug tag in Flutter is a simple process that can be achieved using multiple methods:

  1. Setting debugShowCheckedModeBanner to false
  2. Running the app in release mode
  3. Using a custom debug flag
  4. Disabling it via Flutter Inspector

By implementing these techniques, you can ensure a polished UI for your Flutter app. Additionally, leveraging Digital Transformation Services can enhance the efficiency and security of your application development process.


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