
Highest Waterfalls in India

If you are interested in the highest waterfalls in India, then you have come to the right place. Read on to discover the top five waterfalls in the country. Whether you’re traveling for adventure or to experience the beauty of nature, you can find a waterfall that will suit you.

Kunchikal Falls

Kunchikal Falls is the tallest waterfall in India, with a height of 455 meters. It is located in the Agumbe valley of Shimoga district in Karnataka. The falls are a source of major hydroelectric projects in the state.

There is also a permanent rain forest research station in the area. However, there is a reduction in the water flow due to the Mani Dam that was built near the base of the falls.

If you want to see the falls, you should travel in the monsoon season. As the waterflow is reduced, you may need to contact the authorities to get special permission.

Kunchikal Falls is also home to a variety of wildlife including squirrels and reptiles. Kunchikal is also a popular trekking destination. In addition, the waterfall area is one of the most unpolluted locations in the region.

Another attraction in the area is the Guruji Plant. This plant is believed to be the only permanent rain forest research station in the country. You can see some unique birds here as well.

The fall is surrounded by a variety of small waterfalls. They cascade down the rock path of the valley. Aside from the awe-inspiring nature, the falls are a great backdrop for photography.

Bhambavli Vajrai Waterfall

Vajrai Waterfall is a natural waterfall which is located at the base of the Sahyadri hills in Satara, Maharashtra, India. It is the second highest plunge waterfall in India. This waterfall is very popular among tourists. The falls are very picturesque. They can be reached through a short trek.

The water flow originates from the Urmodi River and falls in three tiers. A viewing platform is available so that one can get a complete view of the waterfall.

Vajrai is considered a devotional site. Hence, visitors are not allowed to eat non-veg within a km radius of the waterfall. However, one can eat fruits and other edible items.

The water falling from the top to the bottom brings a divine feeling. The fall is surrounded by lush greenery and different types of trees.

Bhambavli Vajrai Waterfall is located in Western Maharashtra. The best time to visit this waterfall is in the monsoon season. Kas Flower Valley is nearby.

Located in the western part of Maharashtra, the city of Satara has ample opportunities to develop its tourism. The city is close to Pune. There is an airport in Satara. Buses are available from Satara to Kas village.

Dudhsagar Waterfall

Dudhsagar Waterfall is one of the most beautiful and spectacular waterfalls in India. Located in Goa, it has four tiers and falls more than 1,000 feet.

It is also the fifth tallest waterfall in the country. The name of the waterfall comes from the milky, honey coloured water. These falls are part of the Western Ghats and are located in the Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary.

In addition to being a beautiful waterfall, Dudhsagar is also a great place to visit for nature lovers. It is surrounded by rich biodiversity and dense forests. To reach the falls, you can either trek through the forest or take a four-wheel drive.

Depending on the time of year you plan to visit, you can expect good weather. Between November and February, the weather is usually pleasant. If you are planning to visit during the monsoon season, you will need to be prepared for rain.

Dudhsagar is located on the Mandovi River and is a good place to enjoy a swim in the natural pool at the base of the falls. You can hire a local guide to show you around the waterfall for a small fee.

During the monsoon, the road may be closed or access may be obstructed due to high water levels. If you don’t want to do a trek, you can get there by train. Several trains pass by the Dudhsagar level crossing. However, you won’t be able to see the waterfalls from the train.

Kune Falls

Kune Falls is one of the most amazing places to visit in India. It is situated near the town of Kune in the Lonavala and Khandala valleys of Maharashtra.

The waterfalls have a roaring sound and provide an unspoiled natural beauty. They are a good picnic spot. A number of hotels and cottages are available near Kune Waterfalls.

During monsoon season, Kune Falls becomes milky white. During this time, you can enjoy swimming in the pool created by the fall. You can also trek to see the waterfall.

Besides Kune Falls, the region is also home to other scenic waterfalls. Cherrapunji, Soochipara, Langshiang, and Korapani Nala are some of the most beautiful waterfalls in India. These falls offer excellent photographic opportunities.

Another popular tourist destination in India is the Visapur Fort, located in the Pune District. This fort is one of the tallest in India and attracts campers and nature lovers. There is an easy trek to the fort.

If you are looking for a great view of the Western Ghats, you can go to the Barkana viewpoint. Other attractions nearby include Guruji Plant and the Pawna Dam.

If you want to explore the untouched beauty of nature, you can opt to stay in the many affordable cottages and luxurious suites available in the area.

Thalaiyar Falls

Thaliyar falls in India is one of the highest waterfalls in the world. This falls is located in the Palani hills of Dindigul district in Tamil Nadu. It is also a popular tourist destination.

One of the most beautiful features of Thalaiyar Falls is its dark caves. You can hike down to the waterfall and take a look at the river from the bottom. Another great attraction is the view tower at Dum Dum Rock.

You can reach Thalaiyar Falls by trekking through mango farms. The best time to visit the falls is during the monsoon season. However, this is not possible during the winter.

If you want to go hiking, you can walk along the concrete wall to get a closer look at the waterfall. During the rainy season, you may not be able to see the water flow through the waterfall.

The view tower is in a small park. There are also several food stalls, parking facilities, and visitor facilities. Visitors can enjoy the view of the surrounding mountains.

When the monsoon season ends, the level of the water will drop. It is therefore advised to avoid drinking the river water.

In fact, two Western tourists fell from the top of the waterfall. As a result, the water is not very clean.

Barkana Falls

Barkana Falls is a waterfall in Karnataka, India. It is located in the Shimoga district of the state. The waterfalls are surrounded by the dense forest of the Western Ghats. This falls is located near Agumbe, and is considered as one of the highest plunge waterfalls in the country.

The waterfalls are a great sight during the rainy season. Barkana Falls is one of the prime sources of hydroelectricity in the state.

The waterfalls are popular among travelers and tourists from all over India. A motorbike can be used to reach the waterfall. You can also hike to view the waterfall from the top of the hill. There is a platform near the falls that offers an excellent view of the V-shaped valley.

Located in the Shimoga district of the state, Barkana is considered as one of the best sightseeing destinations in India. You can easily reach Agumbe and visit this beautiful waterfall.

The flora in this waterfall is amazing. The fall is filled with a wide variety of plants and flora. You can go to the viewpoint for mesmerizing views of the Western Ghats.

Barkana Falls is a popular tourist destination in Karnataka. The roaring sound of the waterfalls is a breathtaking experience. Although the falls are only visible during the rainy season, they are an ideal spot for a picnic.

Kynrem Falls

Kynrem Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in India. The falls are located in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. They are a part of the Thangkharang National Park. You can get a panoramic view of the falls from the park.

During monsoons, the waterfalls are swollen, making them look like a sea of milk. However, during the dry season, they tend to reduce in size. This is the best time to visit the falls.

There is a motorable road that leads to the base of the waterfall. Visitors can climb up to see the waterfalls. Alternatively, travelers can take a taxi ride to the falls. It is best to check the weather forecast before starting your journey.

The best time to visit Kynrem Falls is during the monsoon. The water flows in three levels, cascading down from the top of the mountain. From there, you can enjoy panoramic views of the flora and fauna around the area.

In addition to its scenic beauty, the waterfall is home to a hydro-electric plant that generates electricity. Travelers can also enjoy hiking in the nearby areas.

The main source of the falls is the Seetha river. However, the Manjalar river also supplies water to the waterfall.

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